Welcome All!

This blog represents a new chapter for me.  It’s been four years now since I was ousted from the Muppets and, as you all know, with time comes perspective.  If you were a part of the 2017 “Steve Whitmire – Muppet Pundit” blog then you know that it was largely reactionary to the events of the time.  I felt very strongly that I could not allow a false perception of why I would no longer be a part of the Muppets to stand. 

As those of you who were there will recall, that original blog became something akin to the wild west at times.  In the interest of free speech for all, I allowed anyone and everyone to say whatever they wanted about/to whoever they wanted.   That’s because being new to the world of websites and blogs at that time, I made no distinction between what defines a “blog”, and what defines a “forum”.  This time around it will have to be different.

So, to clarify, a “blog” is made up of ‘author generated content’ (that would be me…) where the author shares views and ideas on a blog topic, as opposed to a “forum” that is made up of ‘user generated content’ (that would be you guys…) where members discuss views and ideas.

As I have said before, my desire is for the fans of the work I have been involved in to become the smartest, most knowledgable and informed group of fans they can be.  An educated perspective from the most comprehensive map is the best way to be a truly discerning and appreciative audience.  In order for me to facilitate that, this place needs to be conducted like a blog.

I’m going to try posting in different categories to keep things organized, and I have listed several here.  I can add more categories as we go, if needed.  You are still encouraged to comment, of course, but unlike before I will moderate all comments before they are posted here.  And, this time around I need for commenters to sign in in order to participate.  I’d like for us to really get acquainted and I want to know who you are, so I would appreciate everyone using their actual names as the use of monikers is more a custom of forums.

I may have to consider limiting the number of comments on a post but I don’t want to discourage participation from our community…let’s see how that goes.  In any event, please know that I will see every comment. 

I also ask that, as a general guideline, all of you folks use this space to comment on the actual blog posts, themselves, rather than using the blog to introduce alternate topics as you would in a forum.  Having said that, I do invite specific questions that can become the topics of future blog posts, but I ask that you send those to me via the CONTACT ME page of this website.

Also, I would like us to consider how we might facilitate a separate, more ‘forum-like’ place for the exchange of your ideas on the blog posts I post here, a place where I would pop in as often as possible and add my own thoughts to whatever the community is discussing.  I have just discovered that near the end of “Muppet Pundit” some of you started a chat room to do exactly that…forgive me, I did not become aware of it until the last few weeks because I lost access to the site…more on that in a moment.

I so loved reading all of your thoughts before.  The exchange of ideas was such a good thing but it became too big a task for me to always be there.  So, I look forward to hearing from those of you who have thoughts on how this might happen in a way that members can gather in an ancillary place to further discuss what starts here.  Let’s figure it out before anyone does it.

By way of a little backstory, I briefly want to let you all know that the original “Steve Whitmire – Muppet Pundit” blog was attacked with malware beyond repair just after the last post from me in September of 2017.  I was not able to consider starting a new blog because a project development opportunity came about and consumed all of my time.  However, I have recently discovered an 1800+ page backup of the text from the blog.

All of the text is intermingled with code, so as you might imagine, it is a colossal task to untangle that mess.  Perhaps at a future date after I try to recover the material, I will provide the contents of “Steve Whitmire – Muppet Pundit” as an historical reference.

In closing, I want to share with you all the final comment from the original blog from Anne Terri just before ‘SW – MP’ exploded:

“EVERYONE This is the type of discussion we live for, and what I hoped Muppet Pundit would be.   Can’t wait for Steve to give his input, and I have a feeling we will be speechless for a bit to be able to digest all of it.Love Anne Terri”

Thanks, Anne, and thank you all.  Even though I must conduct this new beginning as a blog, by definition, I want us to continue and expand our interaction.  Moving forward we can explore all sorts of topics together beyond just what was once the Muppets.  No doubt we will find plenty to catch up on. 

“It’s Time to Get Things Started…again!”

– Steve


  • September 24, 2020
    ShaSya Adrianna

    Just wanna say happy birthday, Steve! Really love the new website so far and I’m looking forward for new blog posts in the future. I hope you have a blessed year!!! ❤️

  • September 24, 2020

    Omg I think I Already read everything in the website.. love the picks .. especially the ones as a kid and In Your wedding … very interesting life Mr Steve .. We love you !!

  • September 24, 2020
    Melissa White

    Happy Birthday, Steve!

  • September 24, 2020
    Mary Arlene

    Happy birthday, Steve! And congratulations on the new website. It looks gorgeous, and I’m enjoying your pictorial history!

  • September 24, 2020
    Tommy Donovan

    Glad you’re back!!

  • September 24, 2020
    Marni Hill

    Oh wow. The Muppet Pundit days were a heap of fun. I still have battle scars taking on the trolls.

    Good times!

  • September 24, 2020
    Marni Hill

    I still have battle scars from taking on those trolls! Good times. Kinda miss the Muppet Pundit days!

  • September 24, 2020
    Scott Joy

    Glad to see the fresh start — just in time for your birthday!

  • September 24, 2020
    Randy Gentry

    Welcome back!

  • September 25, 2020
    Jesse Oliver

    Hey Steve,

    First of all, I hope you had a Very Happy Birthday!

    I want to Thank you for Everything that you’ve done for Jim Henson and The Muppets.

    I’ve been a Huge Muppet Fan my Whole Life and I’ve always loved everything you did to Contribute to Jim’s work and The Muppets.

    I’m glad I’ve had the opportunity to Meet you a few times. You are one of the Nicest and Kindest Guys I’ve ever met. Thank you so much for always giving me time to Chat and hang out with you whenever we would see each other.

    I’m also glad that you are still doing what you Love.

    I love Cave-In with Weldon and I’m loving your New Website too!

    You’re Biggest Fan,


  • September 25, 2020
    Josh Hankemeier

    Happy Birthday, Steve!!! Welcome back! I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.

  • September 25, 2020
    Anne Terri

    Hello dear Steve. I left Birthday Messages to you over at Cave In. I’m in awe of your new website, and I know there are those of us from the original Muppet Pundit who will do our best to make full use of what you are building here. Tonight is CAVE IN. Can’t wait to see what you have done this time with Weldon. He is my secondary Boss, but we all know you are in charge. What a journey you have been through. I’m here to support your endeavors. Thanks for the shoutout.

  • September 25, 2020
    Andrew Kay

    Happy Belated Birthday & All the Best Wishes in the World! Thank You for Everything — including continuing this blog! =)
    The new site design does look great — hope it will turn out to be more Weldon-proof than the previous one. Looking forward to reading more soon!

  • October 5, 2020
    Emily Kulaga

    Welcome back, Mr. Whitmire! I’m beyond excited to have a place to once again read your thoughts and stories – I feel as though I’ve been on the edge of my seat these last few years waiting for your blog to resurface 🙂 This site is everything I’d hoped for and more! Please keep the content coming! I love the timeline with stories and pictures. In fact, I may have to dig out my copy of Of Muppets and Men for about the dozenth time and lose myself for a while in the magic of Jim’s vision…

    Incidentally, is it too early to watch Muppet Family Christmas this year? Asking for a friend.

    • October 5, 2020
      Steve Whitmire

      It’s only too early if you’ve already decorated your house…-S

  • October 14, 2020
    Ross Kratter

    Hey Steve, it’s so cool to read your direct thoughts like this once again. Looking forward to many more great posts about your career!

  • October 27, 2020
    Michael B

    Hi Steve,

    Your new website looks great. I truly miss your performances of Kermit the Frog, Rizzo and Ernie. I look forward to seeing some really cool stuff posted on your site. Keep up the great work!

    • October 27, 2020
      Steve Whitmire

      Thanks, Michael! -S

  • December 10, 2020
    Steve Whitmire

    That’s great, Bellina. Thanks! If you want to subscribe I only use your info to notify you of new posts. Best -S

  • February 18, 2021
    Fergie L. Philippe

    Hi Steve,

    I’m so happy to see you doing this. And it was a thrill to see you on The Barretta Brothers to talk Dinosaurs. Wishing you and your loved ones wellness and safety during this time.

    All my best,

  • March 5, 2021
    Nancey Chalita

    But wishes are only granted in fairy tales. ― Simone Elkeles, Perfect Chemistry

  • June 1, 2024
    Matthew Jason Brown

    Hi Steve,

    Great to see you doing this. You are an inspiration to all those who love Puppets. Kermit has not been the same without you!

    It would be amazing if you could do ‘An Evening With…’ style event in the future to hear all about your career.

    If you do consider doing a show about your career please consider coming to Parkway Cinema in Cleethorpes United Kingdom.

    Good luck in the future!

    • October 28, 2024
      Steve Whitmire

      Sounds like fun. I have been looking into doing a few comic cons in the UK for this and next year. I’ll be in Liverpool on November 9th and 10th for Comic Con Liverpool if you feel like coming round. -S


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